Dairy free?

First up, dairy.

We are the only mammal on this planet that still drinks milk as an adult. Not to mention, ANOTHER MOTHER’S MILK!



I would just like to point out to you why the nation is so addicted to dairy – ‘oh but not even cheese? Just a little bit of cheese? Cheese on top!’ – it’s just cheese, cheese, cheese, whenever I get asked about my vegan food choices. It’s cheese over every damn thing – even the vegetarians can’t keep away from drowning their broccoli in cheese.

So let me tell you, in case you didn’t already know, milk contains CASOMORPHINES. Morphine. It’s addictive. It’s natures way of keeping the calf close to the mother. So next time you go to eat cheese or drink milk, or watch someone, you will see that they are in a sense being ‘kept close to the cow.’ This really doesn’t make men who are like, ‘I eat meat! I eat dairy! Cause I’m a man!,’ come across at all manly does it? The picture above says it all.

It is not OUR milk. This is risky for several reasons…

The enzymes and amino acid chains are foreign to us – they are so far off – that our body has to use up all of it’s minerals and enzymes (manganese, calcium, etc) to break down their amino acid chains and re arrange it into a digestible order. So, people think you need milk to have protein/ calcium. Well by the time your body manages to break down the amino acid chains to re arrange them so that we can actually digest it and use them – we have actually LOST more calcium than we have actually GAINED.

To break this down more simply…

Human blood is alkaline.
Animal products are highly acidic in the human body.
When human blood is acidic we die.
So, the body has to find a way to neutralise the acidity so we don’t instantly die.
The good news is, our body found a way.
The bad news is, the only way was to leech calcium + phosphorus from our bones to alkalise our blood again, which are then excreted through our urine.
Calcium + phosphorus are the two components of our bones (Calcium phosphate).
So we are basically peeing our bones down the toilet.

No wonder why the countries with the largest dairy consumption are also the countries with the largest amount of osteoporosis, arthritis, and cancer.

The irony!? This ‘we need milk to get calcium’ is such a sad myth that we have been taught from a young age so that those companies can make money.

This is not my opinion here – this is FACT.

Studies in a 2009 article in The New York Times, “Exploring a Low-Acid Diet for Bone Health” actually found a shocking 50% increase in urinary calcium when participants doubled their intake of animal protein and dairy. Urinary calcium is calcium that’s lost in the body and excreted in the urine. So the more animal produce you eat, the more calcium you lose. This happens because all animal products including dairy are very acidic when congested. Humans are naturally slightly alkaline in their pH level. So, when our blood becomes even slightly acidic, calcium compounds like calcium carbonate, are leached from our bone tissue to balance our pH level, as it is a natural acid-neutraliser.

Information sourced from The Beauty Detox Solution, Kimberly Snyder C.N. 

And you can say goodbye to your beauty and weight loss goals if you want to continue consuming dairy. It is so acidic, that it seriously imbalances our pH level causing an increase in toxins. Toxins = fat. This is because the body protects our organs by storing toxins away from the main organs in fat pockets. E.g. Bum, thighs, belly (the biggest one), the under arms. This is why we always seem to struggle with our belly fat for instance, whether we are ‘fat’ or ‘slim’ – we have just got too many toxins from these things that society deems to be normal and healthy!

Dairy is the BIGGEST culprit for acne. The acidity it causes in our bodies really suffocates every function in our body, especially our beauty. It leeches us of our body’s minerals and enzymes (which obviously makes our skin appear less youthful and prone to infections and other free radicals that cause acne and ageing) and to top it ALL OFF, increases the amount of toxic waste in our intestines so that we can’t even sufficiently absorb new incoming minerals and enzymes from what we eat!!

Oh my god and not to mention the CASEIN and LACTASE found in dairy which has been scientifically proven to be a causal variable of cancer, allergies, and weight gain. For more information on this before I write a whole book on here, I strongly recommend you read The Beauty Detox Solution by Kimberly Snyder.

I only just thought about it recently – I used to eat eggs every day. At first I thought this was a foetus or a premature/ aborted chick, but it’s not. I don’t think it’s better or worse, it’s just as mortifying. It’s a chicken’s menstrual cycle!

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And as if that wasn’t enough…

And what about the poor calves?


Do you know what happens when a cow is unnaturally forced to produce milk for it’s whole life?
The calf gets taken away from the mother.



So that WE can drink the milk.

Doesn’t this sound so unjust. So selfish. So inhumane?

And this is what happens to male calfs who cannot be used for milk:

You might want to watch this if you have cats and dogs with you at home:

The video that Gary Yourofsky shows in the first few minutes is an eye opener for sure, I couldn’t watch it all the way through, but I suggest you do to know where your milk is coming from:

But that’s not all. Female cows are ENSLAVED for their whole lives to produce milk. They are raped by farmers who shove frozen semen into them, injected continuously with antibiotics so that they can unnaturally produce 10x more milk than they would for their calf, and their boobs are squeezed for dairy milk. Their breasts end up being so unnaturally swollen, that they become so heavy, to the point where they can’t even walk any more and develop severe injuries (where puss in cow milk develops).

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It’s comforting, isn’t it, to believe that there are happy dairy cows grazing all day long with out a care in the world, but this is false. It’s just not true. And you don’t have to memorise statistics to be reminded of this..

It’s common sense. THINK about how many meat-eating humans there on the planet. Think about how much meat, on average, each of them consumes. Think about how often they carelessly pop into a local store to pick up some milk or meat. Think about how QUICKLY stores run out of dairy and meat. This is mass consumption. This is DEMAND. Now, think about how many cows have to be slaughtered every second of the day just to keep up with this demand. How much milk has to be squeezed to fill up those plastic bottles.

Imagine a woman being used her whole life in a farm for her breasts to be constantly squeezed, each child she produces to be slaughtered for it’s flesh or raised to be raped with frozen semen and squeezed for milk, with the same destiny as herself. Imagine how painful this must be. If you can’t imagine that animals have feelings, then at least empathise with the physical pain they must CONSTANTLY be in.

The dairy farm animals are not happy. They are not in good hands. They are in our hands. They are in our selfish, mass consuming hands.

And this happens over and over again. Rape. Impregnate. Kidnap calf (to be used for milk or beef of course – no waste in a profit-oriented industry). Inject with antibiotics. Milk tits.


If this was being done to humans, it would be called dystopian.

Not to mention the amount of antibiotics cows are injected with to unnaturally keep producing milk for their entire life just so that we can drink some milk. Animals are only supposed to produce milk for a period of time after giving birth – like us humans. Imagine female humans lactating and producing breast milk for their whole life, even when they are not pregnant. How absurd.

What’s more absurd is how the dairy industry won’t tell us about the amount of COW PUSS found in dairy milk! Did you know that one litre of Californian milk contained 298 million pus cells in 2003, 11 million more pus cells than it contained in 2002.

This is because of the growing demand for milk – when cows are unnaturally injected with all sorts of growth hormones and antiobiotics – their hormones and body system goes right out of balance – and the amount of bacteria (not the good kind) grows. To think that your child’s bones are developing from this disgusting source of calcium is a disgusting thought in itself. And so much for that, since we already know (as I explained it above) we don’t even gain calcium from dairy – we lose it.

So, we’re sacrificing our health just to get this bloody calcium, only to lose it. Doesn’t make sense, does it?

So now that we know cows are stuffed with all sorts of unnatural chemicals like antibiotics, imagine how humans on a mass scale are consuming all of these disturbing chemicals.

Just ONE glass of milk contains a mixture of 20 painkillers, antibiotics, and growth hormones.

Scientists have found these unnaturally occurring chemicals in cow, goat, and human breast milk.
These results clearly show how man-made chemicals are seeping into the ecosystem.

Beautiful rainforests all over the world are being torn down to graze cows. This is billions of beautiful trees (which keep us alive!) being destroyed and replaced with dairy farming and factories. Less trees and oxygen. More concrete and carbon dioxide.
Is this really what you want?
Do you really want to live in a world that is sapped of it’s oxygen and and heating up just because of what we eat? – and it’s not even good for us! So what is the point in all of this!? Where is the logic!?
Aha. I know where the logic is. In profit. I can’t imagine how much the dairy industries profit out of us all buying into the idea from a young age that we need dairy to build strong bones and grow healthily.

Cows contribute to 18% Global Greenhouse Emissions, because of the amount of methane they produce. Fossil fuels (ALL electricity, oil, and transportation that is being used RIGHT NOW) only contributes 13%!


NOW bear in mind that methane is 25-100x more destructive than carbon dioxides from burning fossil fuels!

All animal agriculture contributes 51% of the world’s total methane. But cows would exist with or without dairy farming, so why is their methane contribution so unnatural? – because animal farming for MASS dairy consumption is unnatural – especially at the degree to which it is now.


It doesn’t stop at global warming. The ‘cow contribution’ to Global Greenhouse Emissions has resulted in dead zones around the globe’s mainland and sea areas – where no more life can possibly exist. Cows produce 160x more waste (poo) than the entire human population. This is flushed into the ocean surrounding areas where they are cattled, like the Amazon. Not to mention the amount of methane that is being emitted!

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Animal agriculture occupies 45% of the Earth’s total land and contributes to 91% of deforestation, of which cow grazing contributes 88% of.

The amazon accounts for 30% of the world’s total oxygen. It is like the Earth’s lungs.

Just 10,000 years ago humans made up 1% of total biomass, the rest being wild animals. Today, humans make up 98% of total biomass because we now own almost every animal and piece of land as property. We have literally taken over the world.

We have already destroyed 20% of the Amazon in the past 40 years, more than the previous 450 years sine European colonization began. And the demand for dairy isn’t slowing down. Every second a football field is cut down in the Amazon for animal agriculture. Every day 100 species of insects and animals are exterminated in the Amazon.

This is what it SHOULD look like.

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This planet is not terra firma. It is a delicate flower and it must be cared for. It's lonely. It's small. It's isolated, and there is no resupply. And we are mistreating it. Clearly, the highest loyalty we should have is not to our own country or our own religion or our hometown or even to ourselves. It should be to, number two, the family of man, and number one, the planet at large. This is our home, and this is all we've got. — Scott Carpenter, Mecury 7 astronaut, speech at Millersville University, Pennslyvania. 15 October 1992.

This planet is not terra firma. It is a delicate flower and it must be cared for. It’s lonely. It’s small. It’s isolated, and there is no resupply. And we are mistreating it. Clearly, the highest loyalty we should have is not to our own country or our own religion or our hometown or even to ourselves. It should be to, number two, the family of man, and number one, the planet at large. This is our home, and this is all we’ve got.
— Scott Carpenter, Mecury 7 astronaut, speech at Millersville University, Pennslyvania. 15 October 1992.

"When you're finally up at the moon looking back on earth, all those differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend, and you're going to get a concept that maybe this really is one world and why the hell can't we learn to live together like decent people." — Frank Borman, Apollo 8, Newsweek magazine, 23 December 1968.

“When you’re finally up at the moon looking back on earth, all those differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend, and you’re going to get a concept that maybe this really is one world and why the hell can’t we learn to live together like decent people.”
— Frank Borman, Apollo 8, Newsweek magazine, 23 December 1968.

The Earth is so delicately balanced to provide for us.

We are intrinsically intertwined with the Earth and everything in it. Our life depends on the Earth. Yet we are destroying it.

So I ask myself, what in the bloody hell is going on here. We are living unconsciously.

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