High carb low fat?

801010 food pyramid


Fat prevents glucose and fructose from being digested efficiently, to reach our body cells and convert to energy quickly, as if the sugar is a rocket source of energy fuel running through our digestive tract and the fat is the slimy, gooey stuff that prevents this and makes us constipated.

Ayuverdic teachers tell us to think of cold foods in cold weather as solid cheese – making everything in the digestive tract turn to solid goo. Well, this is how I see excessive amounts of fat. It just turns everything into a sticky mess in there, causing gassiness, acidity, rotting, toxins, bloating, and constipation.


So of course, by this happening, we don’t get the energy we need from our fruit and veg until hours later, if ever.

When fruit and veg (which typically takes 20-60 mins to digest) get held back by fat (which typically takes 6 hours to digest), they cannot be digested in the amount of time they are supposed to.

We only get energy from our food when it is fully digested, the villi in our intestines have sucked all of the nutrients, and blood cells carry it to our organ cells.


So when the fructose and glucose (energy fuel) get slowed down, they obviously can’t turn into energy, so the body cannot use them. They just sit there and get stored in fat pockets around the body, the ‘problem areas,’ such as belly, bum, thighs, and under arms. *Click on pictures below if you want to know what was going on with my diet at the time*


Whereas, if these complex carbs (fruit and veg) are consumed alone and can get through our digestive tract fast, our arteries don’t get clogged, sugar doesn’t turn to fat, we don’t put on excess weight, and we are literally sprinting with energy.

Plus, you get to eat as much fruit as you like (it’s like being in heaven) and eat nana icecream from breakfast every day. Woohoo!

I have genuinely never been so happy. I was always miserable from under eating, feeling paranoid, beating myself up for eating too much. But now, eating ‘too much’ is good, and perhaps doesn’t even exist anymore! because all I am eating is high quality simple carbs – the best food my body could possibly receive, which does not make you fat! It just makes you leannnn.

Look at the variety you can eat with just fruit!

And when people hear the ways of the fruitarian lifestyle, they go, ‘WHAT!? 10 BANANAS IN 1 SMOOTHIE!? 15 DATES!? HOW IS THAT… HOW ARE YOU… WHAT THE…’ and this is understandable considering it is coming from the perspective that is lacking the education of the power of the fruitbat diet, and these amazing reasons why bananas should be a staple in everyone’s diet…


1) The myth about ’12 bananas in one hour will kill you’ is just a myth. You would actually have to eat about 400 for them to kill you. Potassium is a top beauty mineral and hydrating electrolyte that our bodies thrive off of and need, especially in the toxic, high sodium diet of many people today.
In fact, this high amount of potassium can help you to lose weight, by eliminating the water retention that is your flubber stopping you from getting that lean body you want, because with every 2 Potassium ions that goes INTO our cells, 3 Sodium ions flow OUT of our cells, to our cleansing system (liver and kidneys and bladder) so that we can finally flush out that long held water.
Oh my gosh, can you imagine how long that water has been retained in your body!? Water is not supposed to remain stagnant, that’s disgusting! Water goes bad! It is not fresh any more! Water is supposed to flow through us like a river, not remain stagnant like a swamp!

2) The amount of fructose will NOT make you fat. Sugar does not make you fat. Glucose does not make you fat. Fructose does not make you fat. Carbs do not make you fat. FAT MAKES YOU FAT. Protein bulks you out so that you look puffy. Carbs make you LEANNNN, as DurianRider would remark.
Our cells have receptors for glucose. Our cells, and thereby every function in our body, runs on glucose! Glucose, glucose, glucose! That’s where it’s all at guys.
It is fat that makes sugar make you fat. Because fat stops the glucose from transmitting to our cells. It’s fat that keeps glucose suspended in our bloodstream – leaving our blood insulin levels spiked – increasing our risk of many diseases such as diabetes – giving us candida – and leaving our body no option but to deposit this suspended sugar into our fatty pockets to dilute the amount of sugar in our bloodstream.
Yeah folks, it’s fat that needs cutting down on, not sugar. The societal fear of carbs is a big mistake, and a big MYTH.

3) Bananas are a tryptophan PACKED food. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps with the production of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter made in our brain by melatonin (what we absorb from the sun) in REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement sleep – the deepest state of sleep when we dream) which is responsible for regulating our moods, sleep, appetite, focus, concentration, energy, memory, sex drive, and orientation!
So, you could say, that bananas help us to feel better in all off those different ways!
And considering that many of us live in countries where the winter season can be harsh in that we do not get a lot of sun so we slightly lack melatonin and thereby serotonin, to get this neurotransmitter producing in our brain as much as possible in other ways, such as our diet, is seriously important! Because there is what is known as SAD which you may have heard of before – Seasonal Affective Disorder – where people become depressed from a lack of serotonin!
So why oh why would you limit your banana intake when they don’t even spike your blood sugar levels, poison you, or make you put on weight?

4) Finally, bananas are actually a natural prebiotic. This means that they encourage the growth of healthy gut flora, which many, if not all, of us need since we have abused our digestive systems with the amount of acidic foods (meat, dairy, alcohol, refined sugar, etc) and toxins (smoking, drugs, etc.).
Plus, we all know that friendly bacteria in our gut is ESSENTIAL for healthy weight, EASE of the body instead of DIS-EASE in the body, reducing bloating, eliminating skin conditions like acne, reducing any inflammation that could contribute to arthritis, acne, etc, and to have heathy, strong hair, skin, nails, teeth, bones, and just about anything!
Because our body assimilating nutrients to strengthen our body essentially comes down to digestion. As, without good digestion, how are you supposed to absorb and use the nutrients you are inputting efficiently?

So my conclusion is, if you don’t go and fruit yourself, carb up, and go bananas for bananas, you are insane.

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